The Things I Tweet I love everything in this new @FourWayReview, but…
I love everything in this new @FourWayReview, but these poems broke me back in April, & finally I can share:…
I love everything in this new @FourWayReview, but these poems broke me back in April, & finally I can share:…
Looks like I jumped the gun. NOW the new @FourWayReview is up– my first issue as poetry editor.
The new issue of Four Way Review (my first as poetry editor) is live!
This my guy.
Appoint Garland Now petition:…
What percentage has their votes maliciously suppressed through voting restrictions, misinformation, or intimidation?…
I find myself utterly broken this morning. & now I have to go teach, to inspire a vision of what could be. I don’t know how. Not today.
Roy Cooper’s all like “yo I won” and a bunch of Republican Boards of Election will be all like “um no” in the shady recount.
Pretty impressive how the Mayans were only four years off on predicting the apocalypse…
Om mani padme hum om mani padme hum om mani padme hum om mani padme hum om mani padme hum om mani padme hum om mani padme hum om mani padme
I’m back at @NCSSM, teaching Gram-O-Rama. #joy
OMG the part of @RockBand Rivals where you have only one fan is hilarious. I’m just gonna listen to what he says for like 10 minutes.
Just when I think nothing could tire me more than this election: I’m tired of these mf snakes on this mf plane.……
Just when I think nothing could tire me more than this election: I’m tired mf snakes on this mf plane.……
Finishing my response to editor’s query on chapbook #2. I think I’ll spend the evening playing ROCK BAND in celebration.
I’m guessing about 950 poems will be written in the next 24 hours using the phrase “faithless elector.” Anyone want the under?
Huge thanks to everyone who came to the Grammar Gone Wild class at the @WritingestState conference this weekend. Write on!
The election is rigged! Click here to find out who’s behind this conspiracy! *you click* The U.S. Constitution! *you return to weeping*
I was rooting for Cleveland, but one good thing about the Cubs win is the hope that Steve Bartman will be released from his peculiar hell.