One of the first poems I teach in my intro to poetry classes is William Carlos Williams’s “This is Just to Say.” It’s a short poem with an amazing amount going on, though at first glance, many students dismiss it as slight or unworthy of being a poem.
My favorite thing about teaching it is the inevitable flurry of “This is Just to Say”-related humor that follows. Perhaps you remember this post. This time around, I tweeted that I had taught the poem, and got this message on Facebook a couple days later from a friend:
This is Just to Say
I have stolen
the Manguso
that you
leant me
and which
I meant to return
on the drive
Forgive me
it’s wonderful
so smart
and so funny
We also used this one early on in the GSW poetry class I TAed this summer… we had an overly interpretive bunch… one kid was convinced it was about someone losing their virginity (highschoolers… sigh).