The Things I Tweet New Google Hangouts app for iOS let’s you make fre…
New Google Hangouts app for iOS let’s you make free calls. Prepare to get a lot of calls from my ipad, lovelies.
New Google Hangouts app for iOS let’s you make free calls. Prepare to get a lot of calls from my ipad, lovelies.
My carpal tunnel is acting up. But it’ll be 2014 soon. So can I go ahead and have a robot arm installed?
In preparation for my talk this week on “Two Empires: “Ozymandias” & Breaking Bad,” watch this middle school musica:…
Listening to the two @SkylarGudasz CDs I bought yesterday. Just lovely.
Which beautiful cover of NEW RIVER BREAKDOWN, the new book by @terrylkennedy, will you buy?…
“Interrogate the slow jam.” —@rocketfantastic
.@rocketfantastic leading a huge workshop with that beautiful energy:
I’m at the West End Poetry Festival in Carrboro’s Century Center. Come by and say hello (and hear poems)– I’m at the @BullCityPress table.
While trolling the Poetry Out Loud site, I clicked “random poem” and got George Herbert’s poem “The Collar.” #bestreminder
Where math and poetry collide– Babbage writes to Tennyson with a suggested correction:… (only available today)
Four poems by @belles_lettres in issue 1 of Tupelo Quarterly. #yay
Read this immediately. Prick of the Spindle: Mike Puican: The Man Was Either Discussing Death…
I need you #rexsaves because I’m in 328 and these guys are giving me a heart attack!
I was a lot happier when I read Lifehacker and tinkered with hacks and office improvement stuff. Resolved: I’m going to do that again.
I will be using some of these life hacks:…
Attention all nerds I got my wife to wear the Target Batman pajamas I win
Fight to get it back again. Yeah yeah yeah.
New pitch for network show: poets who solve crimes. (Spoiler: most crimes on show committed by novelists and HuffPo contributors.)
All I want for Christmas is a bear suit. Or a gorilla suit. Ok all I want for Christmas is a bear suit and a gorilla suit.
Who needs a ticket to tonight’s Hurricanes game? I can’t go. 🙁