Some more thoughts on a flexible, achievement-oriented assessment system for an Intro to Poetry class. For more context on this post, you may first wish to read:
A few of these items showed up on First Group of Assessments: The Basic Stuff.
Abecedarian | 5 achievement points – Write an abecedarian.
Anagrammatic Anarchy | 5 achievement points – Write a poem in which each line is an anagram of the other lines. For examples, read Kevin McFadden’s Hardscrabble.
Dirty Limerick | 5 achievement points – Write a limerick. It doesn’t have to be dirty. Seriously. Not all limericks are dirty. This poem will not count toward scheduled poem checkpoints.
Epigram: Shorter is Sweeter | 10 achievement points – Find three examples of epigrams that amuse you. Then, write your own epigram. This poem will not count toward scheduled poem checkpoints.
Erasure E as e | 5 achievement points – Perform an erasure on a poem you wrote about for bookshop. This poem will not count toward scheduled poem checkpoints.
Found Without Being Lost | 5 achievement points – Write a found poem.
Four-malist | 60 achievement points – Hand in poems written in established forms at four scheduled poem checkpoints. Forms must be ten lines or longer, which excludes short forms like haiku and limerick. These may include abecedarians, villanelles, sonnets, pantoums, sestinas, rondeaus, terza rima, or ghazals.
Ghazal Guru | 10 achievement points – Write a ghazal.
Inventor | 25 achievement points – Write a poem that invents a new form. Include a description of that form which details the devices that must be used.
Influential Inventor | 5 achievement points – Have a classmate use your invented form at a scheduled poem checkpoint. The classmate will earn credit toward the Four-malist achievement.
Pantoum, Please | 5 achievement points – Write a pantoum.
Help Me, Rondeau| 5 achievement points | 5 achievement points – Write a rondeau.
Sestina Sherpa | 5 achievement points – Write a sestina.
Sonnet Surveyor | 25 achievement points – Write a sonnet. Note whether the sonnet is Shakespearean, Petrarchan, or Italian.
Terza Rima Tycoon | 5 achievement points – Write a metrical poem in terza rima.
Villanelle Viceroy | 5 achievement points – Write a villanelle.